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Friday, 10 May 2013

Star Trek vs Iron Man

I have just returned from seeing Star Trek - Into Darkness, an excellent movie which I thoroughly enjoyed, but in my opinion was not better than Iron Man 3.  On the way back from the cinema, my good lady and I discussed this, as she felt that Star Trek was infinitely better than Iron Man 3.  We eventually agreed to disagree.

My reasons for enjoying Iron Man more are numerous, but to discuss them would result in spoilers for both films.  So please, if you want to get into a debate about this, message me or comment or something as I was really enjoying the discussion before it edged towards argument territory....

With regards to actual writing things (which is what this blog is sort of supposed to be about!), I gave five of my local libraries copies of the paperback today, which was more difficult than I expected.  I thought that they may have to vet them in some way to make sure that I wasn't trying to give them something pornographic or offensive or whatever, but one library in particular was very obstructive.  Has anyone else had any experiences?

Anyway, going to watch the last (possibly forever!) episode of community now, will let you know my thoughts on that another day (or not, I might just forget or not be bothered....).

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