Knightfall - buy it now

Monday, 2 September 2013

One week in Haven

Back from a great week away with the family in Haven at Primrose Valley, and we all had a great time.  Now I'm back at the keyboard and cracking on with Book 3 of the Benjamin Knight story (New Light).

As for the holiday, we got to do a lot of fun activities.  We went to Flamingo Land and did all the rides and spent a long time wandering around the zoo.  We did archery which was awesome, and aquagliding which was even better!  The children did water walkers in the big hamster balls and my wife and I had a blast with target shooting.

Everyone had fun and now it's back to work for all of us (or school, or college for my son - good luck on your first day catering!). 

Time to go break some friends out of prison...

Flamingo Land Zoo

Seal Lions

Seal Lion show!

My daughter's glitter tattoo

Water Walkers

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